Sunday, 21 August 2011

A little bit scary

I have been neglecting this blog for a while because I was invited to be a featured blogger on Mumsnet where I'm writing about beauty and health.  We returned from a sunny holiday in France nearly a week ago - we left in the middle of the riots, and I was terrified our car would be smashed or house set fire to - we live near Westfield and I'd heard that it had shut early and was barricaded against potential rioters!  We've been back a week and I've been told that my marriage column in The Times, will not be running from the beginning of September because they are losing a page in Life.  My editor said it had been a dream to edit, and had been running longer than any other column (18 months) but I am sad and a little scared too - perhaps they were just bored of it.  I loved writing it and the monthly income was good too. It's scary to suddenly lose it. 

I would like to write it somewhere else - Just putting that out there and holding that thought! 

Is It Just Me Or Are Fad Diets a Waste of Time and Money?

I had lunch with a friend the other day. While I tucked into a substantial salad she sipped a sad black tea and boasted that she had lost 9...